Still house-hunting.. with no luck. It's pretty difficult to find a standard sale house since there are tons and tons of short sale and foreclosures. Frustrating! I am 34 weeks pregnant now as of yesterday, and this past week we made the move of putting Jed back in his own room after nearly 9 months of sleeping with us!! I kept putting it off because I was convinced it would be such a pain in the butt having to wake up with him in the middle of the night and get him back to sleep, etc. But it has really been alot easier than I was anticipating. Thank You Jesus! I'm still hoping the process of him falling asleep without me laying with him will become easier and easier... but once he's asleep he's out and doesn't make a peep til 7:30-8 in the morning so that's sweet.
Next weekend is my baby shower... and I have been counting down the days to it. Why you ask? For the best cake in the world. DUH. It's going to be amazing. It's from Sweet Layers, a red velvet cake with cookies and cream filling. So amazing. The downside of this is that my camera decided to stop working a couple days ago, so I took it into Best Buy yesterday because my smart husband somehow knew it would be a good idea to purchase the extended warranty on it... So my camera is now chillin' with the Geek Squad. Those geeks told me it would take 2-3 weeks to fix it and if they can't I can get a new one. Such Geeks! Don't they know my baby could be here in 2-3 weeks and my baby shower is next weekend! I'm having camera withdrawls for sure.
Moving onto the weather... Those of you who know me well know that I'm not a huge fan of the sun and heat (hence the pasty-whiteness my friend Tash loves to point out as much as possible)... With the weather warming up quite a bit last week we started getting use out of our Heritage lake passes Chris bought mainly for fishing, but they do have a sweet little water park for little ones and a huge pool. So we've been trying to take advantage of that, and I've been trying to take advantage of Jed's 3hr naps after a day at the water park. :) I had to add a quick pic of Jed in his new glasses Aunt Gina gave him. He's not too crazy about them, if you can't tell. "Uncle Monkey" lives at Heritage Lake, so he stopped by to play with the dude. He was even starting to swim on his own and loved jumping in the water over and over again and eventually started jumping in without anyone there to catch him. He is crazy.
I already mentioned that I'm 34 weeks pregnant now. I was 38 weeks when Jed was born, and that's sort of starting to freak me out that we will have another little boy in a few short weeks! The time is really starting to fly by! Cruz is starting to feel really large in my belly and even woke Chris up in the middle of the night the other day because I'm pretty sure he was practicing his Kung Fu... We can't wait to finally meet this little guy and see what he looks like after so many months of using our imagination. Chris has a pretty crazy imagination too... kinda freaks me out. Hopefully he doesn't come out the way Chris imagines sometimes. Lord, help us.
Here's a couple pics of me, Cruz, and Jed at 33 weeks.
That's pretty much all for now... Gunna go enjoy pretend "dragon time" with my boys. Makes for a perfect Saturday morning. :) Happy Memorial Day Weekend!