I know, it's been months since my last post... Mainly because I've been so busy planning this party!!! I put so much time and work into this little boy's first birthday party, and it was definitely worth it. :)

I made these tissue paper pom-poms that I found on martha stewart's website. I attached all different Dr. Seuss quotes to them and they were hanging on the outskirts of the party. Very cute.

I'm so happy with how these turned out and everyone said they tasted delicious. Green Eggs and Ham.

I tried to think of different Dr. Seuss-ish names for all the food items. Some were easier than others, and some I copied from other Dr. Seuss parties I found online.

"One I Am" high chair banner.

Close up of my eggs. Love the way they came out.

My Mom's friend who is the best scrapbooker in the world helped me with these banners. I love the way they came out as well.

I made all these center pieces with a picture of each month from his life.

The Candy Buffet. Everyone loved it.

Homemade marshmallow pops. Tasty and pretty easy to make.

Ahh my pride and joy... my green egg cakes! Key lime cake with a cream cheese frosting.

Homemade cupcake tier.

The candy buffet sign.

Thing 1 and Thing 2 cupcakes. I was a wee bit bummed with how these turned out. Of course after about an hour or so, the cotton candy started melting into the frosting. The thing1 and thing2 circles are supposed to be taped to the front of the cupcake liner, but the tape wouldn't stick to the shiny foil liners, so we had to be creative and tape them to toothpicks and stick them in the actual cupcake. These were red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. Yummy.

Thing1 and Thing 2. Their heads pop-out and become a photo-op. The plan was to have each guest have their picture taken and that would be their thank you card, but not everyone got their picture taken...

Guestbook table. The sign reads, "Wait! Stop here, you see. And leave a very special message to me. A birthday wish or just say Hi to your very favorite One Year Old guy. On the front, the back, or any pages. Its something I will treasure all my ages. Signed, Mayor Cruz (who is 1). Such a cute idea and something that will last a lifetime.

I just love Dr. Seuss and love the way everything turned out. It was a great time and our little man was so blessed. I still can't believe he's one, but that deserves a post all to itself. My how time flies...