My Little Dare Devil
This is my baby who is not quite a baby anymore. ): He's always loved the water, but this summer is different because he doesn't need to float around in a dinky little baby raft, he actually gets to swim like a big boy (with floaties that is). We went to Chris' Aunt Gina's house the other day and the kid doesn't even hesitate... he just runs right up to the diving board like he knows what it is and does this "Superman" dive. Not gunna lie, I almost had a heart attack but once he came up from the water and was rearin' to go at it again, I could breath a little easier. He has absolutely no fear of water which is good and bad. I tried letting him jump in the water at my Mom's the other day without his floaties so he knows he will drown without them, but it lasts all of one second before I grab him. Drowning has been one of my biggest fears I think ever since my little sister was born. Freaks me out. Oh, and he is already tanner than I think I have ever been my entire life. He's got the most beautiful golden brown skin and I just love showing off his booty tan-line. Pretty sure it's because I've never had a real tan line. HA.
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