I cannot believe what just happened!!!
Well our little bundle of joy decided to arrive on my 23rd birthday! I wasn't too thrilled thinking about sharing a birthday before he was born, but now I think it's pretty cool. He was the most amazing birthday present I have ever and probably will ever receive! So here's how things went down...
July 13th, 2010
All day long I was having NO activity showing that labor would be on its way. I was a little (alot) annoyed, but then around 6 or 7pm I started having some not too painful contractions which were about 7-10 minutes apart. I didn't think anything of them since I had been having contractions consistently that would just stop altogether after an hour or so. We decided to take Jedidiah to see "Despicable Me" at the mall. (Cute movie). I was still having them through the movie, not close together or very strong... so when the movie was over we headed over to my Mom's to pick up my birthday present then headed home.
10:10pm... Arrived home, brushed Jed's teeth, PJ's on... Laid down with him and right when he fell asleep something freaky happened!
10:25pm Right after Jed fell asleep I hear two LOUD popping noises that sounded like bones breaking or something wierd like that. I get up to see if Chris heard it in the other room, which he kind of did, and I started to feel some fluid come out followed by some pretty intense contractions. All of a sudden it felt like I had to go #2 so I head to the bathroom (it wasn't #2 by the way) and yell for Chris to get in there. He comes in and sees all the ooey-gooey-ness associated with giving birth coming out of me so he runs over to his Mom and Dad's place (which we are very fortunate with how fast this kid came that they live as close as they do) to get his Mama to come stay with Jed. I am now in so much pain struggling to find some clothes to put on I grab these new shorts my Mom got me for my birthday and Chris is trying to help me get out to the car, but I am like paralyzed in pain. Once that contraction is over, I waddle my way out to the car and call my Mom.
10:30pm. Make the call to my Mom telling her that I'm pretty positive this is it, although I did say that last time. Third times a charm I guess. I told her I would call her if we get sent home otherwise, we'll be at the hospital. Driving to the hospital was the scariest thing ever because at first I was in so much pain, then all of a sudden I was having the urge to push fighting against my body to hold off til we made it to the hospital. I am so proud of my husband though for whippin' through traffic and getting me there in record time. He was so calm too. I can't believe how calm we were. Anywho...
10:42pm Arrive in the ER tell the chick I'm having a baby. She proceeds to send my husband over to admitting to get me admitted. Meanwhile I wanna slap the chick for underestimating that YES this kid is coming out like NOW don't send my husband away, but all I could manage out of my mouth were some moans. She has me fill out this stupid paper and I tell her I need someone like NOW. She asks me to have a seat and someone will be right here. I then tell her, "You don't understand he is coming out. I need to push!" I reach down to my crotch and feel his head out. (Graphic I know.) She finally calls somebody for real once I told her I am literally holding his head in. I do remember looking around the waiting room and seeing this teenage girl with her boyfriend. I will never forget the look on her face. She was so scared. HA. Talk about birth control. FINALLY L&D nurses arrive with a wheelchair and sprint... and I mean SPRINT me down to L&D. The doors open and all I can say is "Where is my husband? I need my husband?" Some other nurse takes off looking for Chris as I'm wheeled into a delivery room. Another nurse alread in the room starts asking me questions... "Date of birth, last menstrual cycle". I just take off my pants and lay on the bed. Another nurse sees that yes, indeed, his head is crowning we need to do this thing NOW!
After two pushes and a whole LOTTA tears Cruz Alexander made his big debut on his Mama's Birthday!!! He arrived without any doctors or antibiotics for my beta strep and is the healthiest little guy. We are so thankful and blessed to have this beautiful boy in our lives.
I cannot believe you sent me a text from the car! You are a nut! I am glad you did though. He is beautiful!! Hopefully he is a laid back baby like John. Since Logan and Jed are so much alike, maybe Cruz and John will be alike! Congratulations!!
ReplyDeleteI was wondering why you weren't wearing a hospital gown in some of your pictures! That's an amazing story. Proud of you girl!
ReplyDeleteJenny (Haldeman) Gillins
I LOVE the pic of you and chris after you gave birth!! You guys are so cuteeeee. I also love that you saved that shirt and washed it. :) Thats my girrrrl. LOVE your birth story cruz!! <3
ReplyDeleteThat story is amazing!!! You are one strong woman!!!