Yesterday the boys and I went on a little shopping trip at Trader Joe's... Belen, my mother in law, was unloading most of my groceries for me since the big boy was knocked out once we got home and needed to be put in bed and the other one was screaming his head off for some cheech. She is a lifesaver. Love her. Anywho, she laughed when she saw I bought three containers of Greek yogurt. Chris, Jed, and I all LOVE this yogurt and after months of just buying one or two containers and seeing how quickly we would go through it... the only logical solution was to buy each of us our own container right? Right. It is just so delicious. We like ours with a little drizzlin' of honey and granola on top. And SCORE it's fall so TJ's has my favorite pumpkin granola in! Try it out, you won't be sorry! :)
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Addictive Personality

Although Jedidiah looks more like me, I'd say he has more of his Daddy's traits. Like his addictive personality for instance. When Chris gets into something, he like really gets into it and completely shuts his mind off to anything else. Some of these things have been fishing, searching for gold, researching how different races have been mixed throughout the ages in different countries, and currently taking apart/cleaning/putting back together fishing reels. Those are just to name a FEW. Jed seems to be the same way especially with movies/tv shows he likes. Some recent kicks he's been on are The Wonder Pets, Batman, Lion King, Land Before Time, and at the moment Scooby-Doo. Whichever one he is into at the time, is ALL he will watch. He throws a fit if you even suggest watching something else. He's been into Scooby-Doo for a little while now since I rented it for him one night that my parents were babysitting while Chris and I went out to dinner. I will never forgive myself for renting that wretched movie. If I never have to hear "a cheesy pizza with a side of pickles" ever again, I will be a happy woman. But it makes him happy, so whatev.
Cruz 2 Months!
I'm late, I know... He will be 12 weeks old tomorrow. Cruz is such a happy content baby. Complete opposite of his big brother so far. Yes, Jed was pretty difficult in the beginning. Who am I kidding, he still is. But we love him for it. :)
Cruz's Two Month Milestones
*He smiles like crazy, especially at Mama, and does this silent laugh type thing.
*He only poos every few days which is sweet... less poopy diapers... but good Lord, when it happens IT HAPPENS. Know what I'm sayin??
*He started sleeping around 8-9 hours stretches at night. Going to bed around 6:30-7:00 waking at 4:00ish and going back down til 7:00ish. It's pretty much amazing considering I didn't get a decent night's sleep with Jed until he was over a year old. He wakes me up more than the newborn. Shoot. Moving on...
*He is still nursing about 6 times a day, and he is just BLOWIN' UP. At his two month check up he was in the 98 percentile for his weight and 80-somethin percentile for height. Weighing in at 15lb. 7oz.
*He is in size 2 diapers and usually 6-9 month clothes.
*He always laughs when he hears Jed being silly, which is most of the time, and ALWAYS cries when Jed is crying... which seems to be more frequent these days.
*LOVES bathtime... as you can see from the pic.
*Has developed a fear of my sister Brandi. Whenever he hears her voice or sees her, he starts crying. Understandable. Kind of sad for Brandi.
*Most people say he looks just like Daddy. Makes Chris very happy.
Basically we just love this little boy to death and can't wait to see him get bigger, more active, and very soon keeping up with his big bro.
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