Cruz turned four months old on the 13th. He seriously is such a sweet and easy baby. He started sleeping 10-12 hours straight on a regular basis and I'm lovin it. He sleeps better than his big brother to this day. HA. He is getting alot stronger, pushing himself up pretty far while on his tummy, but I still feel like he is never going to roll over onto his back since he loves his tummy so much. Oh well. He's laughing more now and talks up a storm especially when he's got a full belly. We go to his four month checkup on Monday, so I will post them his new stats with weight and height. He is starting to grow a little bit of peach fuzz on his head. So exciting!! I love my little bald guy.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
No Sugar Bugs!
Well, it looks like my slight case of OCD with Jed's teeth has paid off. He has beautiful sparkly white teeth with no cavities! I was a wee bit nervous about taking him for his appointment because he has such a strong personality and once his mind is set against something, there's really no swaying him. Thankfully, he was all about the dentist and letting him poke and prod at his teeth. He must be used to all the poking and prodding I do to him everynight flossing and brushing him. The only thing he was against was the x-ray machine so we didn't do any of those which is fine by me. He's so much like me. Ha. Anywho, one of the funniest things he has ever done was when the Doctor started checking for cavities with that pokey tool they use... Jed moved the doctor's hand away and said, "Just don't kill me, okay?" I couldn't believe my ears! He had the doctor and his assistant busting up! I really don't know where he gets his personality from! Not me. ha. They let him use the water squirter and suction thing himself during the cleaning. It was too funny. I had to carry him out of there because he loved it soo much. So happy he had a good first dentist experience!!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Three Year Check Up!
Well, my little boy isn't so little anymore. He will be turning THREE next month and this morning I took him for his three-year check up with his new doc. He was super stoked to wear the cute little gown with his tooshie hanging out the back. He said he was in the "hosipal". He looked super cute. Can't believe he is turning Three. Makes me wanna cry. But he's more and more of a crack-up the older he gets, so we're looking forward to the crazy shananigans he has in store for us this next year.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Halloween and Things 2010
This October we enjoyed Peltzer Farms like last year... Jed just loves that place! The night before Halloween we all dressed up and went to a Halloween Festival in Murrieta with a bunch of friends. We dressed up like greasers and a fifties girl. Pretty cute. On Halloween we dressed the boys up as Batman and a pumpkin. They were so stinkin cute. Whenever Jed had his Batman costume on, he really played the part. I'm pretty sure he thought he was the real Batman. He would not crack a smile for anything. It was hilarious, but today (two days after Halloween) it's getting kind of old and I'm thinking of hiding that costume for a while. HA. We took them to the Harvest Festival at Calvary Murrieta with our friends Derek and Meredith and their son, Silias, who came down for the weekend. It was such a fun time. Tons of free food and games! We'll definitely be going back next year.
Sooo Jedidiah just loves his brother Cruz about 99.9% of the time. The whole time I was pregnant I was anticipating having to watch Jed 24/7 to make sure he doesn't throw remotes at him or sit on him or any crazy thing you'd assume Crazy Jed to do, but he hasn't done any of that. His biggest problem has been smothering him with kisses and hugs... which I can definitely live with. Cruz's face lights up whenever he hears his brothers face and puts the biggest smile on his face when he sees him. It's the sweetest thing. In the mornings, I turn some cartoons on in our room and the two of them snuggle up while I get breakfast going. Love it. Here's a couple cute brother pics...
Cruz Three Months!!
This picture was taken on Cruz's three month birthday! He's such a sweet little guy. Just love him to pieces. He's starting to giggle and make alot more sounds which is so fun! He absolutely loves his big brother Jed and smiles whenever he hears his voice. He has been a pretty awesome sleeper only waking up once after at least a 9hour stretch of sleep, but last night he slept 11.5 hours straight, ate and went back to sleep for two more hours! He is an angel baby. Thank you Jesus. He is growing so fast... I wish I had access to a baby scale so I could see how much he weighs now! Still always has his hands in a little praying position and he seems to like sucking on his middle and index finger more than his binky lately. He drools like crazy and seems to be in pain quite a bit... I'm associating it with teething so hopefully we will see some teefers pop through pretty soon. He's so wonderful. :)
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