Cruz turned four months old on the 13th. He seriously is such a sweet and easy baby. He started sleeping 10-12 hours straight on a regular basis and I'm lovin it. He sleeps better than his big brother to this day. HA. He is getting alot stronger, pushing himself up pretty far while on his tummy, but I still feel like he is never going to roll over onto his back since he loves his tummy so much. Oh well. He's laughing more now and talks up a storm especially when he's got a full belly. We go to his four month checkup on Monday, so I will post them his new stats with weight and height. He is starting to grow a little bit of peach fuzz on his head. So exciting!! I love my little bald guy.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
No Sugar Bugs!
Well, it looks like my slight case of OCD with Jed's teeth has paid off. He has beautiful sparkly white teeth with no cavities! I was a wee bit nervous about taking him for his appointment because he has such a strong personality and once his mind is set against something, there's really no swaying him. Thankfully, he was all about the dentist and letting him poke and prod at his teeth. He must be used to all the poking and prodding I do to him everynight flossing and brushing him. The only thing he was against was the x-ray machine so we didn't do any of those which is fine by me. He's so much like me. Ha. Anywho, one of the funniest things he has ever done was when the Doctor started checking for cavities with that pokey tool they use... Jed moved the doctor's hand away and said, "Just don't kill me, okay?" I couldn't believe my ears! He had the doctor and his assistant busting up! I really don't know where he gets his personality from! Not me. ha. They let him use the water squirter and suction thing himself during the cleaning. It was too funny. I had to carry him out of there because he loved it soo much. So happy he had a good first dentist experience!!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Three Year Check Up!
Well, my little boy isn't so little anymore. He will be turning THREE next month and this morning I took him for his three-year check up with his new doc. He was super stoked to wear the cute little gown with his tooshie hanging out the back. He said he was in the "hosipal". He looked super cute. Can't believe he is turning Three. Makes me wanna cry. But he's more and more of a crack-up the older he gets, so we're looking forward to the crazy shananigans he has in store for us this next year.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Halloween and Things 2010
This October we enjoyed Peltzer Farms like last year... Jed just loves that place! The night before Halloween we all dressed up and went to a Halloween Festival in Murrieta with a bunch of friends. We dressed up like greasers and a fifties girl. Pretty cute. On Halloween we dressed the boys up as Batman and a pumpkin. They were so stinkin cute. Whenever Jed had his Batman costume on, he really played the part. I'm pretty sure he thought he was the real Batman. He would not crack a smile for anything. It was hilarious, but today (two days after Halloween) it's getting kind of old and I'm thinking of hiding that costume for a while. HA. We took them to the Harvest Festival at Calvary Murrieta with our friends Derek and Meredith and their son, Silias, who came down for the weekend. It was such a fun time. Tons of free food and games! We'll definitely be going back next year.
Sooo Jedidiah just loves his brother Cruz about 99.9% of the time. The whole time I was pregnant I was anticipating having to watch Jed 24/7 to make sure he doesn't throw remotes at him or sit on him or any crazy thing you'd assume Crazy Jed to do, but he hasn't done any of that. His biggest problem has been smothering him with kisses and hugs... which I can definitely live with. Cruz's face lights up whenever he hears his brothers face and puts the biggest smile on his face when he sees him. It's the sweetest thing. In the mornings, I turn some cartoons on in our room and the two of them snuggle up while I get breakfast going. Love it. Here's a couple cute brother pics...
Cruz Three Months!!
This picture was taken on Cruz's three month birthday! He's such a sweet little guy. Just love him to pieces. He's starting to giggle and make alot more sounds which is so fun! He absolutely loves his big brother Jed and smiles whenever he hears his voice. He has been a pretty awesome sleeper only waking up once after at least a 9hour stretch of sleep, but last night he slept 11.5 hours straight, ate and went back to sleep for two more hours! He is an angel baby. Thank you Jesus. He is growing so fast... I wish I had access to a baby scale so I could see how much he weighs now! Still always has his hands in a little praying position and he seems to like sucking on his middle and index finger more than his binky lately. He drools like crazy and seems to be in pain quite a bit... I'm associating it with teething so hopefully we will see some teefers pop through pretty soon. He's so wonderful. :)
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Greek Goodness
Yesterday the boys and I went on a little shopping trip at Trader Joe's... Belen, my mother in law, was unloading most of my groceries for me since the big boy was knocked out once we got home and needed to be put in bed and the other one was screaming his head off for some cheech. She is a lifesaver. Love her. Anywho, she laughed when she saw I bought three containers of Greek yogurt. Chris, Jed, and I all LOVE this yogurt and after months of just buying one or two containers and seeing how quickly we would go through it... the only logical solution was to buy each of us our own container right? Right. It is just so delicious. We like ours with a little drizzlin' of honey and granola on top. And SCORE it's fall so TJ's has my favorite pumpkin granola in! Try it out, you won't be sorry! :)
Addictive Personality

Although Jedidiah looks more like me, I'd say he has more of his Daddy's traits. Like his addictive personality for instance. When Chris gets into something, he like really gets into it and completely shuts his mind off to anything else. Some of these things have been fishing, searching for gold, researching how different races have been mixed throughout the ages in different countries, and currently taking apart/cleaning/putting back together fishing reels. Those are just to name a FEW. Jed seems to be the same way especially with movies/tv shows he likes. Some recent kicks he's been on are The Wonder Pets, Batman, Lion King, Land Before Time, and at the moment Scooby-Doo. Whichever one he is into at the time, is ALL he will watch. He throws a fit if you even suggest watching something else. He's been into Scooby-Doo for a little while now since I rented it for him one night that my parents were babysitting while Chris and I went out to dinner. I will never forgive myself for renting that wretched movie. If I never have to hear "a cheesy pizza with a side of pickles" ever again, I will be a happy woman. But it makes him happy, so whatev.
Cruz 2 Months!
I'm late, I know... He will be 12 weeks old tomorrow. Cruz is such a happy content baby. Complete opposite of his big brother so far. Yes, Jed was pretty difficult in the beginning. Who am I kidding, he still is. But we love him for it. :)
Cruz's Two Month Milestones
*He smiles like crazy, especially at Mama, and does this silent laugh type thing.
*He only poos every few days which is sweet... less poopy diapers... but good Lord, when it happens IT HAPPENS. Know what I'm sayin??
*He started sleeping around 8-9 hours stretches at night. Going to bed around 6:30-7:00 waking at 4:00ish and going back down til 7:00ish. It's pretty much amazing considering I didn't get a decent night's sleep with Jed until he was over a year old. He wakes me up more than the newborn. Shoot. Moving on...
*He is still nursing about 6 times a day, and he is just BLOWIN' UP. At his two month check up he was in the 98 percentile for his weight and 80-somethin percentile for height. Weighing in at 15lb. 7oz.
*He is in size 2 diapers and usually 6-9 month clothes.
*He always laughs when he hears Jed being silly, which is most of the time, and ALWAYS cries when Jed is crying... which seems to be more frequent these days.
*LOVES bathtime... as you can see from the pic.
*Has developed a fear of my sister Brandi. Whenever he hears her voice or sees her, he starts crying. Understandable. Kind of sad for Brandi.
*Most people say he looks just like Daddy. Makes Chris very happy.
Basically we just love this little boy to death and can't wait to see him get bigger, more active, and very soon keeping up with his big bro.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
One Month Update
Here are some recent pics of the boys...

Cruz is now 5 weeks and 5 days old. He has changed so much and is getting so stinkin chunky. I wish I had a baby scale to see how much weight he gains everyday. Here's a little bit about our one month old...
*His eyes are looking more blue everyday
*Most people say he looks just like his Daddy especially when he does his wierd facial expressions
*So far he's been the total opposite of how Jedidiah was as a newborn.
*He sleeps from around 7pm-7am and wakes up at midnight and 4am for feedings, but usually goes right back to sleep. Unless of course I decided to have pizza... then he's up for a while farting.
*After his morning feeding he is so much fun trying to talk and giving us all kinds of smiles.
*He has some pretty big chee-chees when he's slouching down.
*He will take bottles like a pro which makes me so happy. Jed used to have to be brougt to me on my lunch breaks to nurse him because he 95% of the time wouldn't take a bottle.
*Loves bathtime.
*Had his first up-the-back poo today on 8-21. So proud.
Can't think of anymore monumental happennings with him right now... but we just love watching him grow and change.
As for Jedidiah.... Yikes. jk. He hasn't really been too bad adjusting to his new brother. I was totally prepared to have to keep my eyes glued to him 24/7 but he hasn't once tried to hurt his brother or anything like some horror stories I've heard. Thank God. He just loves kissing his brother, supervising diaper changes, and shoving his bink in his mouth. He really does love him so much and that makes me and Chris so happy. It's an amazing thing to see. Tear.
Okay now to brag about Jed... He has turned into quite the little prayer warrior. Just about everyday he fakes a tummy ache so I will pray for him. ha. But he has been praying for just about everyone and everything lately. My Mom hurt her toe pretty bad a few months back and it is still hurting her so I asked him to pray for her.. "Father God, we thank you for Nana's toe. Jesus' name. Amen." For my Dad... "Father God we thank you for Papa. Please give him the job. Jesus' name. Amen." My favorite prayer so far was when Cruz was just like two weeks old, he starting getting kind of stuffy (which is normal for newborns, but I was freakin' that he was getting sick since my whole fam had been sick when he was born. ha) I asked Jed to pray for him and he went on for a good 2 min praying for his brother... "Father God, we thank you for baby brudder. Help him to feel better... he don't wanna get sick... help him to sleep... thank you for baby brudder... Jesus' name. Amen." Something along those lines. He's amazing.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Happy BIRTHday Cruz Alexander. Oh, and me too.
I cannot believe what just happened!!!
Well our little bundle of joy decided to arrive on my 23rd birthday! I wasn't too thrilled thinking about sharing a birthday before he was born, but now I think it's pretty cool. He was the most amazing birthday present I have ever and probably will ever receive! So here's how things went down...
July 13th, 2010
All day long I was having NO activity showing that labor would be on its way. I was a little (alot) annoyed, but then around 6 or 7pm I started having some not too painful contractions which were about 7-10 minutes apart. I didn't think anything of them since I had been having contractions consistently that would just stop altogether after an hour or so. We decided to take Jedidiah to see "Despicable Me" at the mall. (Cute movie). I was still having them through the movie, not close together or very strong... so when the movie was over we headed over to my Mom's to pick up my birthday present then headed home.
10:10pm... Arrived home, brushed Jed's teeth, PJ's on... Laid down with him and right when he fell asleep something freaky happened!
10:25pm Right after Jed fell asleep I hear two LOUD popping noises that sounded like bones breaking or something wierd like that. I get up to see if Chris heard it in the other room, which he kind of did, and I started to feel some fluid come out followed by some pretty intense contractions. All of a sudden it felt like I had to go #2 so I head to the bathroom (it wasn't #2 by the way) and yell for Chris to get in there. He comes in and sees all the ooey-gooey-ness associated with giving birth coming out of me so he runs over to his Mom and Dad's place (which we are very fortunate with how fast this kid came that they live as close as they do) to get his Mama to come stay with Jed. I am now in so much pain struggling to find some clothes to put on I grab these new shorts my Mom got me for my birthday and Chris is trying to help me get out to the car, but I am like paralyzed in pain. Once that contraction is over, I waddle my way out to the car and call my Mom.
10:30pm. Make the call to my Mom telling her that I'm pretty positive this is it, although I did say that last time. Third times a charm I guess. I told her I would call her if we get sent home otherwise, we'll be at the hospital. Driving to the hospital was the scariest thing ever because at first I was in so much pain, then all of a sudden I was having the urge to push fighting against my body to hold off til we made it to the hospital. I am so proud of my husband though for whippin' through traffic and getting me there in record time. He was so calm too. I can't believe how calm we were. Anywho...
10:42pm Arrive in the ER tell the chick I'm having a baby. She proceeds to send my husband over to admitting to get me admitted. Meanwhile I wanna slap the chick for underestimating that YES this kid is coming out like NOW don't send my husband away, but all I could manage out of my mouth were some moans. She has me fill out this stupid paper and I tell her I need someone like NOW. She asks me to have a seat and someone will be right here. I then tell her, "You don't understand he is coming out. I need to push!" I reach down to my crotch and feel his head out. (Graphic I know.) She finally calls somebody for real once I told her I am literally holding his head in. I do remember looking around the waiting room and seeing this teenage girl with her boyfriend. I will never forget the look on her face. She was so scared. HA. Talk about birth control. FINALLY L&D nurses arrive with a wheelchair and sprint... and I mean SPRINT me down to L&D. The doors open and all I can say is "Where is my husband? I need my husband?" Some other nurse takes off looking for Chris as I'm wheeled into a delivery room. Another nurse alread in the room starts asking me questions... "Date of birth, last menstrual cycle". I just take off my pants and lay on the bed. Another nurse sees that yes, indeed, his head is crowning we need to do this thing NOW!
After two pushes and a whole LOTTA tears Cruz Alexander made his big debut on his Mama's Birthday!!! He arrived without any doctors or antibiotics for my beta strep and is the healthiest little guy. We are so thankful and blessed to have this beautiful boy in our lives.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock....
I guess Cruz is the perfect name for this little boy because he seems to be stuck on cruise control. Last week I was dialated at a 3 and my doctor stripped my membranes thinking he would be on his way soon. We had TWO false alarms last week; the first was probably just me being paranoid about my water breaking with GBS (my chonies were wet, but it was probably from the gel the doctor used to check me. TMI?), the second my water really did break I am positive of this, but my doctor thinks it was a high leak that sealed itself and since my fluid level was still high, we were sent home from the hospital yet again!!!
Today is my birthday, FOUR days after his due date. Woke up at 1:30 this morning with pretty strong contractions that were five minutes apart for an hour and a half. I know better by now than to get my hopes up thinking it's the real deal. This kid is a joke-ster. My doctor checked me again yesterday and I am now at a FOUR! She stripped the membranes AGAIN and scheduled an induction for Saturday morning at 8:00am. I'm praying it doesn't come down to that, but I'm sort of glad to see a light at the end of the tunnel. Maybe tonight will be the night, but then again I've said that for the past few weeks!!!
It's a pretty good thing he's late though because on his actual due date, Jed came down with a random 24 hour flu type thing. Super high fever, vomitting (three times I was puked on. One of which was in the middle of Stater Bros where everyone just stared at us in disgust. Good times.) He seems to be recovered from it now, still a little crabby, but what can ya do??
Good Lord, I hope my next post is of a labor and delivery story!!!!!!!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
My Little Dare Devil
Friday, June 4, 2010
Our Fourth Anniversary
So I said I would post a picture of how my fruit bouquet really turned out so here it is.
It didn't turn out as full as I would have liked for two reasons. 1. Trader Joes didn't have any of the fluffy kale to put on top of the iceberg lettuce and 2. I suffer from a moderate case of "sticky-phobia" and the sticky juices from the pineapple and grapes combined with marshmallows and chocolate really weren't helping my condition much. Had a few panic attacks actually. But I thought it turned out pretty good afterall and the chocolate covered strawberries were amazing. Here's my proof that it was delicious.

So we enjoyed that, and later that night we made a homemade pizza which was another adventure. Lets just say I'm glad I had my old camera on me to document it. I joked with Chris before we started that we should make a heart-shaped pizza. We both laughed because that would have been very "cheesy" (perfect adjective for a heart-shaped pizza if I do say so myself). So after Chris added flour and stretched and pulled and added more flour and tried to throw the dough in the air... our dough was pretty much a disaster. It wouldn't stretch anymore without tearing holes in it. We both were getting super annoyed because we were so hungry. The only form our dough would cooperate with was a heart. Go figure. So we got our heart-shaped pizza after all. "It was meant to be" were Chris' exact words.

So we started layering the topping UNDER the cheese. My favorite way (Fillipi's style). LOTS of pepperonis, pineapple on half, and jalapenos and bell peppers on the other half. Chris did the finishing touches on our Heart shaped pizza and I think it ended up looking more like Mickey Mouse. But dang, was it delicious!!!

Throw in a little sparkling apple cider, and you have one righteous evening.

We had a pretty fun anniversary after all. Here's to many many more!!!
It didn't turn out as full as I would have liked for two reasons. 1. Trader Joes didn't have any of the fluffy kale to put on top of the iceberg lettuce and 2. I suffer from a moderate case of "sticky-phobia" and the sticky juices from the pineapple and grapes combined with marshmallows and chocolate really weren't helping my condition much. Had a few panic attacks actually. But I thought it turned out pretty good afterall and the chocolate covered strawberries were amazing. Here's my proof that it was delicious.
So we enjoyed that, and later that night we made a homemade pizza which was another adventure. Lets just say I'm glad I had my old camera on me to document it. I joked with Chris before we started that we should make a heart-shaped pizza. We both laughed because that would have been very "cheesy" (perfect adjective for a heart-shaped pizza if I do say so myself). So after Chris added flour and stretched and pulled and added more flour and tried to throw the dough in the air... our dough was pretty much a disaster. It wouldn't stretch anymore without tearing holes in it. We both were getting super annoyed because we were so hungry. The only form our dough would cooperate with was a heart. Go figure. So we got our heart-shaped pizza after all. "It was meant to be" were Chris' exact words.
So we started layering the topping UNDER the cheese. My favorite way (Fillipi's style). LOTS of pepperonis, pineapple on half, and jalapenos and bell peppers on the other half. Chris did the finishing touches on our Heart shaped pizza and I think it ended up looking more like Mickey Mouse. But dang, was it delicious!!!
Throw in a little sparkling apple cider, and you have one righteous evening.
We had a pretty fun anniversary after all. Here's to many many more!!!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
So tomorrow is our fourth anniversary! Don't ask me how it's been four years already because I have no clue. We don't really have any plans especially because this week is going to be a rather busy one. My last day of school is today which means two finals, and Cruz's baby shower is on Saturday... I googled "fourth anniversary symbol" to find out what it is for this year and it said fruit/flowers or linen. Wierd. My mom had the brilliant idea to make an edible arrangement type thing with fruit that looks like flowers. Brilliant, eh? Lets just see how it turns out first. I'm praying it turns out relatively close to this... I make no guarantees.

Saturday, May 29, 2010
Hello Again.
So it's been a while (again) since my last post. This is due in part to the fact that I'm in the middle of finals week and can't wait to have a little time off before the next bambino arrives... AND I keep forgetting my stinkin' password. That's a prego brain for ya, because it's the same as pretty much every password I have set up for everything else! Anywho... Let me see what we've been up to.
Still house-hunting.. with no luck. It's pretty difficult to find a standard sale house since there are tons and tons of short sale and foreclosures. Frustrating! I am 34 weeks pregnant now as of yesterday, and this past week we made the move of putting Jed back in his own room after nearly 9 months of sleeping with us!! I kept putting it off because I was convinced it would be such a pain in the butt having to wake up with him in the middle of the night and get him back to sleep, etc. But it has really been alot easier than I was anticipating. Thank You Jesus! I'm still hoping the process of him falling asleep without me laying with him will become easier and easier... but once he's asleep he's out and doesn't make a peep til 7:30-8 in the morning so that's sweet.
This is the little man taking his first nap in his big boy bed. :)
Next weekend is my baby shower... and I have been counting down the days to it. Why you ask? For the best cake in the world. DUH. It's going to be amazing. It's from Sweet Layers, a red velvet cake with cookies and cream filling. So amazing. The downside of this is that my camera decided to stop working a couple days ago, so I took it into Best Buy yesterday because my smart husband somehow knew it would be a good idea to purchase the extended warranty on it... So my camera is now chillin' with the Geek Squad. Those geeks told me it would take 2-3 weeks to fix it and if they can't I can get a new one. Such Geeks! Don't they know my baby could be here in 2-3 weeks and my baby shower is next weekend! I'm having camera withdrawls for sure.
Moving onto the weather... Those of you who know me well know that I'm not a huge fan of the sun and heat (hence the pasty-whiteness my friend Tash loves to point out as much as possible)... With the weather warming up quite a bit last week we started getting use out of our Heritage lake passes Chris bought mainly for fishing, but they do have a sweet little water park for little ones and a huge pool. So we've been trying to take advantage of that, and I've been trying to take advantage of Jed's 3hr naps after a day at the water park. :) I had to add a quick pic of Jed in his new glasses Aunt Gina gave him. He's not too crazy about them, if you can't tell. "Uncle Monkey" lives at Heritage Lake, so he stopped by to play with the dude. He was even starting to swim on his own and loved jumping in the water over and over again and eventually started jumping in without anyone there to catch him. He is crazy.

I already mentioned that I'm 34 weeks pregnant now. I was 38 weeks when Jed was born, and that's sort of starting to freak me out that we will have another little boy in a few short weeks! The time is really starting to fly by! Cruz is starting to feel really large in my belly and even woke Chris up in the middle of the night the other day because I'm pretty sure he was practicing his Kung Fu... We can't wait to finally meet this little guy and see what he looks like after so many months of using our imagination. Chris has a pretty crazy imagination too... kinda freaks me out. Hopefully he doesn't come out the way Chris imagines sometimes. Lord, help us.
Here's a couple pics of me, Cruz, and Jed at 33 weeks.

That's pretty much all for now... Gunna go enjoy pretend "dragon time" with my boys. Makes for a perfect Saturday morning. :) Happy Memorial Day Weekend!
Still house-hunting.. with no luck. It's pretty difficult to find a standard sale house since there are tons and tons of short sale and foreclosures. Frustrating! I am 34 weeks pregnant now as of yesterday, and this past week we made the move of putting Jed back in his own room after nearly 9 months of sleeping with us!! I kept putting it off because I was convinced it would be such a pain in the butt having to wake up with him in the middle of the night and get him back to sleep, etc. But it has really been alot easier than I was anticipating. Thank You Jesus! I'm still hoping the process of him falling asleep without me laying with him will become easier and easier... but once he's asleep he's out and doesn't make a peep til 7:30-8 in the morning so that's sweet.
Next weekend is my baby shower... and I have been counting down the days to it. Why you ask? For the best cake in the world. DUH. It's going to be amazing. It's from Sweet Layers, a red velvet cake with cookies and cream filling. So amazing. The downside of this is that my camera decided to stop working a couple days ago, so I took it into Best Buy yesterday because my smart husband somehow knew it would be a good idea to purchase the extended warranty on it... So my camera is now chillin' with the Geek Squad. Those geeks told me it would take 2-3 weeks to fix it and if they can't I can get a new one. Such Geeks! Don't they know my baby could be here in 2-3 weeks and my baby shower is next weekend! I'm having camera withdrawls for sure.
Moving onto the weather... Those of you who know me well know that I'm not a huge fan of the sun and heat (hence the pasty-whiteness my friend Tash loves to point out as much as possible)... With the weather warming up quite a bit last week we started getting use out of our Heritage lake passes Chris bought mainly for fishing, but they do have a sweet little water park for little ones and a huge pool. So we've been trying to take advantage of that, and I've been trying to take advantage of Jed's 3hr naps after a day at the water park. :) I had to add a quick pic of Jed in his new glasses Aunt Gina gave him. He's not too crazy about them, if you can't tell. "Uncle Monkey" lives at Heritage Lake, so he stopped by to play with the dude. He was even starting to swim on his own and loved jumping in the water over and over again and eventually started jumping in without anyone there to catch him. He is crazy.
I already mentioned that I'm 34 weeks pregnant now. I was 38 weeks when Jed was born, and that's sort of starting to freak me out that we will have another little boy in a few short weeks! The time is really starting to fly by! Cruz is starting to feel really large in my belly and even woke Chris up in the middle of the night the other day because I'm pretty sure he was practicing his Kung Fu... We can't wait to finally meet this little guy and see what he looks like after so many months of using our imagination. Chris has a pretty crazy imagination too... kinda freaks me out. Hopefully he doesn't come out the way Chris imagines sometimes. Lord, help us.
Here's a couple pics of me, Cruz, and Jed at 33 weeks.
That's pretty much all for now... Gunna go enjoy pretend "dragon time" with my boys. Makes for a perfect Saturday morning. :) Happy Memorial Day Weekend!
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